Ø [mm] Mount Max. revolutions [min-¹] Article no. EUR CK 115 M14 13200 4000 841 595 24,95 OC25 125 M14 12000 4000 841 596 25,95 OC25 180 M14 8500 4000 841 597 38,95 OC25 Backing pad Cubitron™ II For fibre discs · Ribbed · Removal rates twice as high as they are when using conventional products Unless otherwise stated, delivery without content/ accessories. The offers are only valid for commercial customers. All prices excluding VAT. Abrasives Ø [mm] Granulation Max. revolutions [min-¹] PU Article no. EUR CK 115 36 13300 25 4000 843 477 3,75 1) OC37 115 60 13300 25 4000 843 479 2,45 1) OC37 115 80 13300 25 4000 843 480 2,25 1) OC37 125 36 12200 25 4000 843 482 3,95 1) OC37 125 60 12200 25 4000 843 484 2,75 1) OC37 125 80 12200 25 4000 843 485 2,45 1) OC37 1) price per pc. Fibre disc COMBICLICK CO-COOL Ceramic grit · For aggressive grinding with maximum cutting performance and an extremely long service life when used on hard and poor heatconducting materials · Abrasive additives in the coating achieve a much higher removal capacity, prevent clogging and enable cooler grinding For use with backing pad article no. 4000 843 605 Stainless steel Steel Cast Aluminium Stone Plastic Wood Paint k k Ø [mm] Granulation Max. revolutions [min-¹] PU Article no. EUR CK 125 36 12200 25 4000 843 589 3,45 1) OC37 125 60 12200 25 4000 843 591 2,35 1) OC37 125 80 12200 25 4000 843 592 2,05 1) OC37 1) price per pc. Fibre disc COMBICLICK CO Ceramic grit · For aggressive grinding with maximum cutting performance and very long service life · Specifically designed for machining hard materials and layers · For use with backing pad article no. 4000 843 605 Stainless steel Steel Cast Aluminium Stone Plastic Wood Paint k K K Ø [mm] Thread Mount Max. revolutions [min-¹] Article no. EUR CK 115–125 M14 M14 13300 4000 843 605 34,95 OC37 Backing pad COMBICLICK CC-GT This backing pad allows COMBICLICK tools to be used on conventional angle grinders · The geometry of the cooling slots ensures a high air throughput, which significantly reduces the thermal load on the abrasive and the workpiece · The patented COMBICLICK clamping system reduces the tool change times to a minimum 4/79