1/145 BW C HSS vaporisiert BW C HSS-Co vaporisiert Unless otherwise stated, delivery without content/ accessories. The offers are only valid for commercial customers. All prices excluding VAT. Cutting tools Circular metal-cutting saw blade HSS · Vapour-treated as protection against material weld-on · For iron and steelwork materials Tooth profile C: Parabolic tooth with pre-cutter and post-cutter Tooth profile BW: Parabolic tooth with two-way chamfer Bore Ø: 32 mm With 2 secondary holes 11/63 mm, 4 secondary holes 9/50 mm and 2 secondary holes 8/45 · For Berg- & - Schmid, Mep, Pedrazzoli, Kasto, Thomas circular saws Bore Ø: 40 mm With 2 secondary holes 8/55 mm and 4 secondary holes 12/64 · For Eisele, Ulmia, Trennjäger, Record and Ultra circular saws Saw blade Ø [mm] Width [mm] No. of teeth Bore Ø [mm] Tooth profile Serration [mm] Article no. EUR CK Saw blade Ø [mm] Width [mm] No. of teeth Bore Ø [mm] Tooth profile Serration [mm] Article no. EUR CK 225 2,0 120 32 C 6 4000 814 242 61,95 PX45 275 2,5 220 32 BW 4 4000 814 200 72,95 PX45 225 2,0 180 32 BW 4 4000 814 241 61,95 PX45 275 2,5 220 40 BW 4 4000 814 174 72,95 PX45 250 2,0 100 32 C 8 4000 814 245 63,95 PX45 300 2,5 120 32 C 8 4000 814 201 105,00 PX45 250 2,0 128 32 C 6 4000 814 244 63,95 PX45 300 2,5 120 40 C 8 4000 814 176 105,00 PX45 250 2,0 128 40 C 6 4000 814 165 63,95 PX45 300 2,5 160 32 C 6 4000 814 202 105,00 PX45 250 2,0 160 40 BW 5 4000 814 163 63,95 PX45 300 2,5 160 40 C 6 4000 814 178 105,00 PX45 250 2,0 200 32 BW 4 4000 814 243 63,95 PX45 300 2,5 200 32 BW 4.7 4000 814 203 105,00 PX45 250 2,0 200 40 BW 4 4000 814 159 63,95 PX45 300 2,5 200 40 BW 5 4000 814 180 105,00 PX45 250 2,5 128 32 C 6 4000 814 193 75,95 PX45 300 2,5 220 32 BW 4.5 4000 814 204 105,00 PX45 250 2,5 128 40 C 6 4000 814 160 75,95 PX45 300 2,5 220 40 BW 4.5 4000 814 182 105,00 PX45 250 2,5 160 32 BW 5 4000 814 194 75,95 PX45 315 2,5 120 32 C 8 4000 814 205 109,00 PX45 250 2,5 160 40 BW 5 4000 814 162 75,95 PX45 315 2,5 120 40 C 8 4000 814 184 109,00 PX45 250 2,5 200 32 BW 4 4000 814 196 75,95 PX45 315 2,5 160 32 C 6 4000 814 207 109,00 PX45 250 2,5 200 40 BW 4 4000 814 166 75,95 PX45 315 2,5 160 40 C 6 4000 814 188 109,00 PX45 275 2,0 110 32 C 8 4000 814 248 72,95 PX45 315 2,5 250 32 BW 4 4000 814 208 109,00 PX45 275 2,0 144 32 C 6 4000 814 247 72,95 PX45 315 2,5 250 40 BW 4 4000 814 190 109,00 PX45 275 2,0 220 32 BW 4 4000 814 246 72,95 PX45 350 3,0 140 32 C 8 4000 814 213 155,00 PX45 275 2,5 84 40 C 10 4000 814 167 72,95 PX45 350 3,0 140 40 C 8 4000 814 185 155,00 PX45 275 2,5 110 32 C 8 4000 814 197 72,95 PX45 350 3,0 160 40 C 7 4000 814 187 155,00 PX45 275 2,5 110 40 C 8 4000 814 168 72,95 PX45 350 3,0 180 32 C 6 4000 814 210 155,00 PX45 275 2,5 144 32 C 6 4000 814 198 72,95 PX45 350 3,0 180 40 C 6 4000 814 189 155,00 PX45 275 2,5 144 40 C 6 4000 814 170 72,95 PX45 350 3,0 220 32 BW 5 4000 814 209 155,00 PX45 275 2,5 180 32 BW 5 4000 814 199 72,95 PX45 350 3,0 280 40 BW 4 4000 814 191 155,00 PX45 275 2,5 180 40 BW 5 4000 814 172 72,95 PX45 Tooth profile C: Tooth profile BW: Circular metal-cutting saw blade HSS-Co · Vapour-treated as protection against material weld-on · For stainless material and other high-strength steels Tooth profile C: Parabolic tooth with pre-cutter and post-cutter Tooth profile BW: Parabolic tooth with two-way chamfer Bore Ø: 32 mm With 2 secondary holes 11/63 mm, 4 secondary holes 9/50 mm and 2 secondary holes 8/45 · For Berg- & - Schmid, Mep, Pedrazzoli, Kasto, Thomas circular saws Bore Ø: 40 mm With 2 secondary holes 8/55 mm and 4 secondary holes 12/64 · For Eisele, Ulmia, Trennjäger, Record and Ultra circular saws Saw blade Ø [mm] Width [mm] No. of teeth Bore Ø [mm] Tooth profile Serration [mm] Article no. EUR CK Saw blade Ø [mm] Width [mm] No. of teeth Bore Ø [mm] Tooth profile Serration [mm] Article no. EUR CK 250 2,0 128 32 C 6 4000 814 231 86,95 PX45 315 2,5 220 32 BW 4.5 4000 814 217 145,00 PX45 250 2,0 160 32 C 5 4000 814 230 86,95 PX45 315 2,5 220 40 BW 4.5 4000 814 220 145,00 PX45 250 2,0 200 32 BW 4 4000 814 206 86,95 PX45 350 3,0 110 32 C 10 4000 814 225 219,00 PX45 275 2,5 144 40 C 6 4000 814 216 105,00 PX45 350 3,0 110 40 C 10 4000 814 228 219,00 PX45 275 2,5 180 40 BW 5 4000 814 215 105,00 PX45 350 3,0 140 32 C 8 4000 814 224 219,00 PX45 275 2,5 220 40 BW 4 4000 814 214 105,00 PX45 350 3,0 140 40 C 8 4000 814 227 219,00 PX45 315 2,5 120 32 C 8 4000 814 219 145,00 PX45 350 3,0 180 32 C 6 4000 814 229 219,00 PX45 315 2,5 120 40 C 8 4000 814 222 145,00 PX45 350 3,0 180 40 C 6 4000 814 236 219,00 PX45 315 2,5 160 32 C 6 4000 814 218 145,00 PX45 350 3,0 220 32 BW 5 4000 814 223 219,00 PX45 315 2,5 160 40 BW 6 4000 814 221 145,00 PX45 350 3,0 220 40 BW 5 4000 814 226 219,00 PX45 Tooth profile C: Tooth profile BW: